Editing the type file

Open the Type Data Editor in the main menu under Tools  Open Type Data Editor.
Depending on the access rights of the users some individual tools can be disabled.

typedataEditorOverview en.drawio
Figure 1. Overview of the Type Data Editor
  1. Toolbar of the Type Data Editor window

    1. open Open type data

    2. newfile Create new type data

    3. save Save type data

    4. saveas Save type data as

    5. delete Delete selected items, e.g. a single process or one or more parameters or attributes

  2. Type data - name of the type file

  3. Process

  4. Add another process

  5. Add another parameter

  6. sorting The line entries can be sorted alphabetically

  7. filter The line entries can be filtered by one or more letters

As of 4 and 5, if you wish to add further attributes to a process click Add Attribute at Attributes.

Rename type file

typedataEditorTypeFileName en.drawio
Figure 2. Type file name

How to rename the type file:

  1. Change the text inside the box Type identifier

  2. Clicking on save a new type file with the name entered in the text box is created.

The text field with the label Description can be freely changed.

Delete items

How to delete items in the type file:

  1. Mark one or more items that you want to delete.

  2. If the selection is allowed, the selected items can be deleted by clicking delete or the remove key Delete.

Add items

The following section describes how you can add an additional parameter TestTime and an additional attribute SenseVoltage.

  1. Switch to manual mode manual.

  2. Log in as a user with the necessary rights to edit type data. Usually Developer has the necessary rights.

  3. Add the attribute SenseVoltage to the type file K523:

    1. Open the Type Data Editor (in the main menu at Tools  Open Type Data Editor).

    2. Load the corresponding type file with open.

    3. Select Attributes and add a new attribute.

      addAttribute en.drawio
      Figure 3. Add attribute
    4. Adjust the limit values, unit and decimal places of the attribute.

      k523AddAttributeSenseVoltage en
      Figure 4. K523 type data with new attribute SenseVoltage
  4. Add the parameter TestTime to the type file K523.

    1. Select Parameter and add a new parameter.

      k523AddParameterTestTime en
      Figure 5. K523 type data with new parameter TestTime
  5. Do not forget to save the changed type data with the save tool save (or Ctrl+S).

You can change the order within Parameters, Attributes and Characteristic Lines by drag and drop.