Users and permissions

Users belong to one or more groups. Different permissions are assigned to the individual groups. In most projects, the users and groups are stored unchangeably in the project specific C# sources of the LisRT application.

Table 1. Group names and permissions
Name Permissions


  • Set start module configuration

  • Operate the service window


  • Load and save the module configuration

  • Edit scripts and release the script project

  • Run scripts that have not been released

  • Load and edit type data

Table 2. Users and groups
Name Password Groups


(no Password)







Operator and Developer

The LisRT application starts automatically with the DefaultUser, unless otherwise agreed with the customer for a specific project. The DefaultUser is not assigned to any groups, but can perform automatic measurements and load type data.

The logged-in user is displayed in the gadget bar on the right side of the main window. Clicking on the user icon opens the login window.

userLogin en
Figure 1. Login window

Log in via command line parameters

You can also log in via the command line. This can be useful during the development phase of a test script.

Lisrt.exe -u username -p password
As an alternative to the command line, a shortcut to the LisRT application can be given under Properties  Shortcut  Target with -u user name -p password.